你是旅行社正在尋找在台灣台北的印度美食嗎? Travel Agent/Company looking for Indian food in Taipei, Taiwan

If you are a travel agent or a company looking for a est deal for Indian food/ catering for your group or a package deal for Indian or Non-Indian people in Taipei, Taiwan. Do not feel shy to give us a try! We love to cater and cater with new adventure, challenges as per the size of your pocket. Sightseeing groups / Business meetings / Tourists groups we have done it all. People from all over the world visits Taipei, Taiwan and try our Indian cuisine, each time Mayur Indian Kitchen do it's best to WOW it's valuable guests. We are master in doing presentations of set menus, thali, set meal, alacarte, for the Indian or even non Indian food. For more information email to us @ indianfoodintaipei@gmail.com or call us at 0921004175, 0955531063 (Chinese)
如果您是旅行社且正在為您的客戶尋找在台北的印度食品/外燴服務。 歡迎來嘗試我們的服務! 我們能根據您的預算及各式需求來量身規劃餐點。 而根據以往接待過的各式觀光團體/商務會議/遊客團體,再再表明我們的服務無庸置疑。 來自世界各地的人們來到台灣訪問台北並品嚐我們的印度美食,每次馬友友印度廚房都會盡情招待各位貴賓。 我們有各式套餐、印度傳統套餐、單點料理。 欲了解更多信息,請發送電子郵件至 indianfoodintaipei@gmail.com或致電0921004175,0955531063(中文)