馬友友印度廚房歡慶印度光明燈節, Happy wali diwali at Mayur Indian Kitchen

~歡慶 印度光明燈節~
地點:馬友友印度廚房各分店(台北、新竹) 時間:週三至週日晚間時段 特別活動: 🎉穿著印度傳統服裝可享有九折優惠 🎉贈送自製甜點 🎉餐廳外大、小朋友一起享受歡樂時光(提供仙女棒) 🎉通化店(M.I.K-4),吃到飽只要449元(吃到飽只有在週五晚及六日提供) 🎉週末於松江店(M.I.K-6)為您獻上寶萊塢舞蹈表演、DJ 及音樂。
One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance".
During the celebration, temples, homes, shops and office buildings are brightly illuminated.Most of the people do Diya and lighting, home decorations, shopping, fireworks, puja (prayers), exchange of gifts, performing religious rituals, share sweets, snacks etc. while celebrating Diwali.
Mayur Indian kitchen in Taiwan welcomes you to celebrate 'Happy wali diwali' at all MIK branches from MIK-1 to MIK-7 in Taipei or Zhubei, Hsinchu. Venue : Any Mayur Indian kitchen Timings : From Wed. till Sunday Dinner What's special : 🎉 10% discount (Indian traditional dress) to anyone (Indian or Non Indian) 🎉 Special festival home made sweets FREE to everyone, after your meal. 🎉 Enjoy fire crackers. 🎉 449, all you can eat buffet at MIK-4 restaurant.
(Buffet only at Friday night and weekend) 🎉 Bollywood dance performances, music, DJ to celebrate Diwali at MIK-6
location on weekend.