The Indian food Taipei - How Spices spices are 'Special' for human being?

Spices to save your life. In today's modern science the acclaimed 'Genius' also admits the ultimate power of spices and herbs, as weapons against illnesses from cancer to many biggest disease. “We’re now starting to see a scientific basis for why people have been using spices medicinally for thousands of years,” says Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D., professor at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Aggarwal who born & grew up in India, where spices tend to be used by the handful, incidence of diet-related diseases like heart disease and cancer have long been low. But when Indians move away and adopt more Westernized eating patterns, their rates of those diseases rise. While researchers usually blame the meatier, fattier nature of Western diets, Aggarwal and other experts believe that herbs and spices—or more precisely, the lack of them—are also an important piece of the dietary puzzle. “When Indians eat more food, they’re getting much fewer spices than their traditional diet contains,” he explains. “They lose the protection those spices are conveying, So that's why it is very important to keep some portion of spices in your daily diet by any source of eating."
.The health benefits of spices and herbs To advance the science of spices and herbs, McCormick created the McCormick Science Institute, an independent research organization where researchers are looking at antioxidants as well as other health-promoting advantages offered by consuming more spices and herbs. Antioxidant power. Research has shown that antioxidants are substances -- found in foods like fruits and vegetables --that may protect cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food, or by environmental exposures like tobacco smoke and radiation. Antioxidants can protect you against heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium and vitamins A, C, and E. Anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers are investigating the unique protective properties of spices and herbs, and their role in possibly reducing inflammation. Inflammation has been identified as a precursor to many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, allergies, and Alzheimer's to name a few. Spices and herbs can be included in an anti-inflammatory diet to not only add flavor but to also assist in healing the body. Weight loss. Researchers are exploring the potential of spices to boost metabolism, promote satiety, aid weight management and enhance the overall quality of a diet. The capsaicin in peppers are believed to have metabolic boosting properties. In addition, if the food you eat is flavorful and satisfying, there is a good chance you will eat less and consume fewer calories, too.