各位馬友友印度廚房的朋友們,誠摯歡迎你們來參加這個7折活動! 現在只要到我們的Facebook粉絲專頁 (FaceBook) 並且在留言處tag標示出你的三個朋友,並在平日中午(12:00-15:00) 帶三個或以上的朋友一起前來馬友友印度廚房的"大直店"跟"松江店"用餐...

馬友友餐酒館2018畢業派對!Graduation party 2018 at MIK-6 live house!
為了祝福學生們的畢業,我們準備了無限量的飲料,無限量的食物,燒烤,雞尾酒,啤酒,水煙和現場表演,學生限定!!一起來享受這最美好的一天吧! 這所有的一切只要一人 NTD 899 趕快來預訂我們的空間吧,我們有最棒的音樂設備,高清的大屏幕,豐富又多采多姿的調酒...

Mayur's Indian Kitchen Restaurant & Bar,MIK-2
Mayur Indian Kitchen, MIK-2 (Minsheng East Road) Mayur Indian Kitchen's second branch is located in the heart of Taipei's business...

Why you must try Indian cuisine at Mayur Indian Kitchen (MIK) in Taipei,Taiwan?
You can enjoy this very authentic Indian food culture which is made by having eight to more than fifteen years experience Indian chefs....

The Indian food Taipei - How Spices spices are 'Special' for human being?
Spices to save your life. In today's modern science the acclaimed 'Genius' also admits the ultimate power of spices and herbs, as weapons...