Mayur Indian Kitchen,MIK-1(Keelung rd.)
Mayur Indian Kitchen's first branch is located on the corner of Renai rd. & Keelung rd.Taipei, just opposite to Taipei City hall or Grand...

『食記』『台北市』 馬友友印度廚房 基隆路店
Sep. 10 is the third day of "Opening Equipment Exhibition" in Taipei World Trade Center After the evening,our friends had dinner at ...

馬友友印度廚師 2006年來到台灣,曾在台灣五星級飯店和知名飯店擔任過主廚一職, 也很榮幸如今有機會,能夠把他對於印度料理的專業知識傳授給台灣人, 他熱愛印度料理和文化,也希望每個人除了能夠學習料理知識外,也能吃得健康 . 活得健康 #馬友友和學員們合照 ...

馬友友印度廚房為台北受歡迎的的連鎖印度餐廳 不定期在台北舉辦印度相關美食或是節慶活動 為了服務廣大的消費者,我們也提供外燴服務。 不久前,印度知名的Tata鋼鐵企業300名員工來台旅遊, 搭遊艇欣賞淡水的迷人夜景同時,選擇了馬友友印度廚房外燴服務 ...

The Indian Kitchen Team of Mayur's restaurants
Mayur Srivastava born on 30th of October in 1983 is an Indian chef, restaurateur based in Taipei, Taiwan. Mayur used to be an Indian...

Why you must try Indian cuisine at Mayur Indian Kitchen (MIK) in Taipei,Taiwan?
You can enjoy this very authentic Indian food culture which is made by having eight to more than fifteen years experience Indian chefs....

Mayur Indian Kitchen ~ It's an unforgettable Indian experience
The wonderful experience of Famous Taiwanese blogger Carrie wu at Mayur Indian Kitchen in Taipei, Taiwan.

Restaurant review: Mayur Indian Kitchen
{備註:觀看英文點此Click here to view the original article} Mayur Indian Kitchen雖位於台北市政廳的視線範圍內,但人們很容易錯過這家餐廳,因為它位在基隆路地下道後面的一排摩托車維修店和小攤販之間。 雖然Mayur...